Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 2010 update on my healing process:

I have found that as long as I stay on my rigorous routine that is stated on my website I can function day to day normally. Pain comes and goes, and I feel that I am maintaining. I booked my flight to NC for January. I am expecting a miracle that I will have enough money to get everything done by the date I chose. It's either sink or swim at this point. My diet is more vegetarian than anything else now. When I cheat, I get sick, or I feel pain. It's a conditional response my body screams at me when I put the wrong things in it. I am no longer experiencing a harsh detox, but I still feel a lot of toxicity in certain areas of my body. I have learned through this experience to surrender, be completely open, and to allow what comes into my life one day at a time. I've always been a tough girl ;o) I know I will heal completely, and that I will overcome this trial. It isn't up to me to know HOW to make it all happen, just to trust and follow my Savior Jesus Christ as I feel guided by his spirit, and receive healing through him.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, I was so thrilled to see your accomplishments. You are such an amazing woman and example to me. I think of you often, and pray you are doing well! You look beautiful! Dana
